Rekonfigurasi Jaringan Distribusi Radial 65 Bus Berbasis Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO)
Kecerdasan Buatan, BPSO, Konfigurasi Ulang Jaringan, Rugi DayaAbstract
The configuration of a radial distribution network is difficult to simplify because it is very complex. This network reconfiguration is used to redesign the configuration of the radial distribution network by opening and closing switches on the distribution network. The feeder of Purwoasri, The feeder of Purwoasri, Rayon Kertosono has 65 buses which cause the Mojokerto area to have a very large loss so it needs to be reconfigured.. The resulting power flow will result in network power losses due to configuration. The reconfiguration process will be repeated until a configuration form that produces the smallest power losses is obtained. The number of feeders and buses on the network will be difficult if done manually and takes a very long time, so solving the problem must use a computer program. Network reconfiguration using the Matlab 2013a program will analyze its power flow using the Newton Raphson method and using the Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) artificial intelligence method. Before reconfiguration, the network experienced losses of 1169,1374 kWatt after reconfiguration experienced losses of 635,7444 kWatt. The results of the reconfiguration can reduce losses of 635,74440 kWatt or 45,6228 % from the previous loss.
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